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Study Abroad: Spring 2022 in South Korea

I have the amazing opportunity as a student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa to study abroad during the pandemic. While being in quarantine for almost two years, I have lost many time to explore and learn beyond the walls of my home. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to occur in our society, we are transitioning into a world living with COVID-19. Being able to study in South Korea has been truly a once in a lifetime experienced that I am so lucky to be apart of. I am currently studying as a Business Student at Seoul National University located in Gwanak-gu, South Korea for Spring 2022 semester. 

Study Abroad: List
Study Abroad: List
Neat Stationery

There were many things I had to prepare for prior to departing on my semester long study abroad in South Korea. This section will go over all the paperwork, packing, and planning process before I departed from Honolulu, Hawaii.


This is the process of things I had to do to prepare for University of Hawaii  and Seoul National University

There are many things you should pack, and things to leave at home! Here are my tips!

During the Semester

Even with COVID-19 regulations going on in South Korea, as an international exchange student, I was able to experience many new activities, tasted new foods, and be able to live a life like a University student in South Korea. Click below to join me on this journey!


7-day Mandatory Quarantine

Quarantine Experience

While studying abroad during a pandemic, there was a quarantine required from all inbound travelers to South Korea. 


Munchies and Drinks!

Eating Time!!

There is so much food to try and fun drinks to taste! From the fun cafe culture that offer variety of different cafes and events, to so much tasty restaurants, its endless! 



Seoul National University Student Experience

As a student being abroad in a foreign country, it can be quite terrifying with the idea of being in a different place for several months while also struggling to balance school. 


Lots of Free Time!!

Leisure Time

While only taking 3 classes in addition to the Korean Language program, I was able to have a lot of free time to explore what South Korea has to offer. From the vast cafes, unique restaurants, and trendy shopping centers, come along as we explore it together!

Thank You Mr. Freeman!

A Big thank you to the Freeman Foundation for providing UHM Manoa students with this amazing opportunity to study abroad in Asia.

Thank you Mr.Freeman and the foundation for your generosity and donations towards the Shidler College of Business and the University of Hawaii at Manoa to aid in our global learning!

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